Beer and Wine: The Blog
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Again, we put this wine into some Corona bottles, which really shows off the color nicely. They are a pretty bright red color, brighter than I would have expected. There may have been a little artificial coloring in the cherries we used for this wine, or perhaps its natural (I’m not a big wine drinker).
The wine pours with a lot of initial carbonation (Note: as of 4/9/09 this wine is foaming out of the bottle when opened). About half an inch of bubbles appeared on top after pouring, but this calms down quickly – quickly enough that I didn’t get a picture of it after pouring.
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Tags: cherry wine, home-brew, review, wine
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Trying something new, we decided to make a Kölsch, a beer I became fond of after spending a semester in Bonn, where it is the beer of choice, owing to the proximity to Cologne (Köln). To try to get the proper taste, we decided to go all-grain, since the brew store carries a much wider variety of grains than of liquid malt extracts.
We started with the following ingredients:

Grains, Hops, Yeast, and Brew Salts
Grain | Hops |
10lbs. | Gambrinus Pilsner Malt | 1.5 oz. | Saaz Hops |
1/2lb. | Munich Malt | Other |
Yeast | 1 tsp | Brew Salts |
1 package | Wyeast 2565 Kölsch | 3/4 cup | Priming Sugar |
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Tags: beer, brewing, Gun Closet Kolsch, home-brew, kolsch, lagering, recipe
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This beer was bottled in some green Jarritos bottles which we got a really good deal on at the Valley Harvest in Kent.

Hefe-wiser, Bottled
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Tags: beer, Hefe-wiser, home-brew, review
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The Rebel Cider is pretty carbonated when first opened (which makes sense, as some bottles did explode after we first bottled it.) The aroma is that of sweet apples with just a hint of yeast. We bottled these into Corona bottles we had, which lets you see the color through the clear glass. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: cider, fruit wine, home-brew, Rebel Cider, wine
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March 21st, 2009 by Brian I was given a box of cherry fruit packs. What else to do, but make wine? After emptying them into my five gallon carboy (the bucket had the Hefeweizen in it), I had about three gallons of cherries and syrup. So I topped it off to five gallons with water and added five pounds of sugar for a little extra strength. This time we used dry yeast for white wine. In primary on 2/28/09.
Racked to secondary bucket on 3/8/09, since it started in the carboy and I was making it simultaneously with the Hefeweizen. I need to get another bucket or so to make it easier to brew more at once.
Bottled on 3/21/09. Still smells sweet.
Read the Review
Tags: cherry wine, fruit wine, homemade, recipe
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The Double Barrel Stout, or as I like to call it, the Beerskey, is finished and ready to drink. So, with the advent of this blog, I figured I would put up a brief review of the beer to say how it turned out, and to make any comments for future reference. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: beer, Double Barrel Stout, home-brew, review
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Currently in the Washington State House of Representative, Bill 5060 is being reviewed by the House Committee on Commerce and Labor. It has already passed the State Senate unanimously. The bill will allow for the transport of up to 20 gallons at a time of home-made beer and wine out of the maker’s home for the purpose of private consumption or to be used by non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations.
Currently, the law only allows 1 gallon to be taken out of the home and then only for entry into judged competitions (the remaining, untasted beer must be returned to the home). This means that home-brewers cannot legally share their creations outside of their own home. Hopefully this bill will be passed soon in the house and go into effect to encourage home-brewing and in turn the growth of the brewing industry in our region.
If you’re a Washington State Resident, contact your legislators to show your support for Bill 5060.
Tags: beer, bill 5060, home-brew, political, senate, transport of beer, washington state legislature, wine
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March 19th, 2009 by Brian A little day trip today in the search of good beer took us up near the U-District to Bottleworks. The place is kept dark, presumably for a reason, but has a huge variety of local brews as well as international beers, with a focus on Belgian imports. Prices were about average. 6-packs for $9 or so, everything else varying a bit, depending on where it came from and the size and whatnot. They had one 6 liter bottle of beer for something like $250. I guess you need to really like your beer for that one. Came away with some beer…we’ll see how they are.
The second stop for the day was the Shoreline Central Market. It advertises itself as a “destination food store.” They have a good variety of food in there, with a focus on more natural and organic foods. They have a great selection of domestic and local northwest beer in six-packs as well as a lot of imports and a good singles selection (mostly 22oz, some 12oz, some 500mL). We were hoping to maybe find some grain there (looking for sorghum or millet), but no luck, though they had a lot of different legumes and other bulk foods.
The goal was accomplished at both stores, having set out to find Tusker, a good Kenyan beer. Got 2 bottles at Bottleworks and their last 8 from the Central Market. Not bad. Both places also had Ethiopian beer and pretty similar prices, maybe with a few more specials at the Central Market. The Central Market also has a knowledgable staff in their wine/beer department and puts BeerAdvocate shelf talkers next to a number of their beers. Not a bad day overall.
Tags: beer, bottleworks, shopping, shoreline central market, tusker
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March 14th, 2009 by Brian We had some apples sitting around, so we decided to make a bit of hard cider. This didn’t quite work out as planned, since I guess we bottled it too early, which resulted in losing some of the batch when a 22 of cider exploded. We ended up only getting half as much as we started with. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: apple, brewing, cider, home-brew, Rebel Cider, wine
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March 14th, 2009 by Brian Beer Number 3
Back to Larry’s as usual, we decided to go for about the simplest recipe possible, a Hefeweizen. Some people think (not home-brewers, of course) that a Hefeweizen would be a difficult beer to make. In fact, it is just malt and hops. No extra grains to steep or anything (there are alternative methods using grain only). Many say the real flavor in a Hefeweizen comes from the type of yeast used. I guess after this batch we’ll be able to see if we need to change our yeast type in the future. Due to a freezing problem, they didn’t have any liquid Wyeast, so we used the dry yeast instead.
Malt | Hops |
7lb. | Bavarian Wheat Malt | 1 oz. | Tettenang Hops |
Yeast | Other |
1 package (+1) | Safbrew WB-06 Dry yeast (Weihenstephaner) | 1 tsp | Brew Salts |
| | 3/4 cup | Priming Sugar |
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Tags: brewing, Hefe-wiser, hefeweizen, home-brew, recipe, simple, wheat
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