Malt Types


Grain Type


Color ° Lovibond

Appropriate Beer Styles

Commercial Examples

Acidulated/Sauer MaltPale malt that has been treated with lactic acid. Used in small quantities to lower pH in mash. Also used to impart a tart flavor.

1.5 - 2.0

Stouts, Wheat Beers, LambicsWeyermann Acidulated
Aromatic MaltHigh kilned malt. Adds color, malty flavors and aromas.


Bocks, Brown Ales, Munich Dunkel, any beer where malty flavor and aroma is desiredWeyermann Melanoidin Dingemans Aromatic
Briess Aromatic
Biscuit MaltA lightly roasted malt. Imparts a biscuity flavor and aroma, and a light brown color.


IPA, Amber Ales, Brown AlesBriess Victory Malt Dingemans Biscuit Malt
Black (Patent) MaltKilned at a very high temperature. Used in small quantities for a red color. In larger quantites imparts a dry-burnt bitterness.

470 - 560

Stouts, Porters, Red Ales, Brown Ales, Porters, Scotch Ales, Dark LagersMuntons Black Malt
Briess Black Malt
Brown MaltA roasted malt, darker than biscuit, lighter than chocolate. Imparts a dry biscuity flavor, and a light brown color.

60 - 70

Brown Ales, Porters, Dark Belgians, Old AleCrisp Brown Malt
Cara MunichA medium colored crystal malt. Imparts a copper color, caramel sweetness and aroma.

40 - 65

Any beer where a medium caramel character is desiredWeyermann Cara Munich I Weyermann Cara Munich II Briess Cara Munich
Cara ViennaA light colored crystal malt. Imparts a golden color, caramel sweetness and aroma.

27 - 35

Any beer where a light caramel character is desiredDingemans Caravienne Briess Cara Vienne
Caramel WheatCaramel malt produced from wheat. Imparts caramel character, improves head retention. One to experiment with.

38 - 53

Dunkelweizen, WeizenbockWeyermann Caramel Wheat
Chocolate MaltKilned at a high temperature to a chocolate color. Imparts a nutty toasted aroma and flavor, and a chocolate color.

400 - 475

Stouts, Porters, Brown AlesMuntons Chocolate Malt Briess Chocolate Malt
Chocolate Rye MaltKilned at a high temperature to a chocolate color. Imparts a nutty spicy aroma and flavor, and a chocolate color with rye character.

190 - 300

Dunkelroggen, Secret ingredient in your special recipeWeyermann Chocolate Rye Malt
Chocolate Wheat MaltKilned at a high temperature to a chocolate color. Imparts a nutty toasted aroma and flavor, and a chocolate color with wheat character.

375 - 450

DunkelweizenWeyermann Chocolate Wheat Malt
Coffee MaltKilned at a high temperature to a coffee color. Imparts a coffee-like character and color

130 - 170

Stouts, Porters, Brown AlesSimpsons Coffee Malt
Crystal/Caramel MaltCrystal malts come in a wide range of color. The lightest are mostly dextrinous, imparting mostly body and mouthfeel. Moving up the color range imparts more caramel character and darker colors. At the dark end, flavors and aromas take on a raisiny note.

10 -120

Any beer to add body or color,and/or nutty, toffee, caramel characterWeyermann Cara Hell Dingemans Cara Pils Weyermann Cara Red
Briess Crystal 10 - 120 Muntons Crystal 60
Dextrin MaltKilned at a higher temperature than Pale Malt. Mostly dextrinous. Contributes body and improves head retention.

1.7 - 10

Any beer where additional body and head retention is desiredWeyermann Cara Foam Dingemans Cara Pils
Flaked BarleyUnmalted barley processed through hot rollers. Imparts grainy flavor, improves head retention.

1.0 - 2.0

Bitters, Milds, Porters, StoutsBriess Flaked Barley
Flaked MaizeProcessed through hot rollers. Imparts subtle corn flavor, source of fermentable sugar when used with enough base malt to convert.

1.0 - 2.0

Cream Ale, American Style Lagers, BittersBriess Flaked Maize
Flaked OatsProcessed through hot rollers. Adds body, smoothness and creamy head.

1.0 - 2.0

Stouts, WitsBriess Flaked Oats
Flaked RyeProcessed through hot rollers. Imparts a crisp spicy character.

1.0 - 2.0

Rye Pale Ales, RoggenbierBriess Flaked Rye
Flaked WheatProcessed through hot rollers. Imparts a tart grainy character, hazy appearance.

1.0 - 2.0

Wheat beersBriess Flaked Red Wheat
Golden Promise MaltPale malt produced from Scottish winter barley. The preferred base malt for Scottish Ales.


Scottish AlesSimpsons Golden Promise
Honey MaltKilned to produce a malt that imparts a sweet honey-like character.

18 - 20

Any beer where a honey-like character is desiredGambrinus Honey Malt
Maris Otter MaltBase malt produced from winter barley. Imparts a rich malt flavor and aroma.

2.0 - 3.0

English Ales, Scottish AlesCrisp Maris Otter
Muntons Maris Otter
Mild Ale MaltLightly toasted base malt. Imparts a nutty character.


Mild Ale, Brown AlesMuntons Mild Ale Malt
Munich MaltA high-kilned malt. Imparts malty aromas, flavors, and light copper color.

7.0 - 10

Oktoberfest, Dark Lager, Porters, Scottish Ales, any beer where maltiness is desiredWeyermann Munich I Weyermann Munich II Durst Turbo Munich
Pale 2-Row MaltBase malt suitable for all beer styles. Provides fermentable sugars, light malt color flavor and aroma.

1.8 - 2.0

All beer stylesBriess 2-Row Brewers Malt
Pale 6-Row MaltBase malt with higher enzymatic power than 2-row. Used in American styles with higher percentage of adjuct grains.

1.8 - 2.0

American Style Lagers, Cream AleBriess 6-Row Brewers Malt
Pale Ale MaltBase malt with slightly darker color. Provides fermentable sugars, light malt color flavor and aroma.

2.0 - 2.5

Pale Ales, All but the very lightest of beer stylesBriess Pale Ale Malt
Muntons Pale Ale Malt Weyermann Pale Ale Malt
Peated MaltPale malt smoked with peat. Used to produce Scotch Whiskey. Imparts a unique peat flavor and aroma.


Scottish AlesSimpsons Peated Malt
Pilsener MaltThe lightest of the base malts. Provides fermentable sugars, light malt color flavor and aroma.


Pilsener, All beer stylesWeyermann Pilsener
Roasted BarleyUnmalted barley roasted to a very dark color.

470 - 560

Stout, Red AlesMuntons Roasted Barley
Rye MaltBase malt for all rye beers. Imparts a spicy flavor and aroma.

2.8 - 4.3

Rye Pale Ales, RoggenbierWeyermann Rye Malt
Smoked MaltPale malt that has been smoked with a hardwood. Imparts a smokey flavor and aroma.


Rauchbiers, Smoked PortersWeyermann Smoked Malt
Special B MaltThe darkest of the caramel malts. Imparts a pruney/raisiny character and deep garnet color.


Belgian Dubbel, Russian Imperial StoutDingemans Special B
Toasted MaltPale malt that has been toasted. Similar to biscuit malt but different.


Brown Ales, Porters, Dark Belgians, Old AleBriess Special Roast
Vienna MaltHigh kilned base malt malt. Not as dark as Munich. Adds color, malty flavors and aromas.


Vienna Lagers, Munich LagersWeyermann Vienna
Durst Turbo Vienna
Wheat MaltBase malt produced from wheat. Used as base for all wheat beer styles. Imparts a grainy tart character.

1.0 - 2.0

All Wheat Beers, Small amounts in English Pale Ales and KolschWeyermann Wheat Malt