Blackberry Porter


Posted by Nate

Saturday, September 24th, 2011

Last Update: April 8, 2012

Blackberry Porter

5 Gallons, Extract – Robust Porter – Kent, WA
GrainsSteep at 155° F
0.75 lbCrystal 40L30 minutes
0.75 lbSpecial B30 minutes
0.50 lbChocolate30 minutes
ExtractTotal Boil Time
8.50 LbDark LME60 minutes
1.00 ozNorthern Brewer (8.1% AA), whole60 minutes
0.50 ozFuggles (4.2% AA), pellet60 minutes
0.50 ozFuggles (4.2% AA), pellet15 minutes
YeastCool wort to 75° F
1 packageWyeast 1028 London AlePitched from packet
1.00Whirlfloc Tablet15 minutes
6.00 lbsBlackberries, frozen then thawedSecondary
3.00 ozPriming SugarBottling

After liking the Blackberry Wheat Ale I made last year around this time, I decided to try a different style of blackberry beer. I found this recipe sometime last year and made some modifications based on the advice of one of the employees at Larry’s Brewing Supply. I think it is going to turn out well, and I’m excited to try a porter with fruit.


Activated the yeast pack. Put 1 gallon of water into my cooking pot and heated it to 155 F, at which point I added my grains in a grain bag to steep for 30 minutes. After steeping I rinsed the grains with another gallon and a half of warm water, and then I heated the wort to a boil. As it was heating I added my liquid malt extract to dissolve.

When the boil began I added my ounce of Northern Brewer and half an ounce of Fuggles hops for bittering. At 15 minutes I added the other half ounce of Fuggles for flavor, and also added the malto-dextrine for some added body and the Whirlfloc tablet to help clarify the beer. After 60 minutes of boiling I removed the pot from the heat and poured it into my primary bucket with some ice to cool it to around 80 F, reaching a volume of 5.5 gallons. I then pitched the yeast and sealed with a blow-off tube.

9-24-11: Put into primary. OG measured at 1.064 giving an alcohol potential of 8.6 %ABV.

10-1-11: Added blackberries to secondary and then racked beer onto them. SG measured at 1.026 giving a strength of 5.3 %ABV before the blackberries were added.

10-18-11: Racked off the blackberries and yeast into a bottling bucket, and I ended up with just 5 gallons of beer. I dissolved the priming sugar in a pint of water and added it to the bucket and then bottled. FG measured at 1.020 giving a strength of 6.0 %ABV, though this figure is based only off the OG before the blackberries were added so it is a  bit stronger than this.


The beer pours an almost black color, with a slightly reddish tint visible through the stream while pouring. It is a dark, opaque beer in the glass. The tan head is initially a good inch or so, and it dissipates  to a small ring around the outside of the glass after several minutes. Quite a bit of lacing appears as you drink. The flavor is upfront fruity and malty sweetness balanced by roasted malt and hops, a flavor similar to oak is present, and the fruit flavor lingers a bit in the aftertaste. The smell is of oak, chocolate, and faint blackberry.

The Blackberry Porter is the best fruit beer I have made so far. It has nice roasted malt characteristics and a subtle blackberry flavor which balance well together. If anything, it could maybe use a bit more blackberry to make that flavor more pronounced.


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One Comment on "Blackberry Porter"

  1. avatar Brian says:

    Enjoying my second one of these right now. Subtle blackberry flavors with a strong flavor from the chocolate malt. Delicious. Some extra sharp cheddar cheese complements this nicely.

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