After a long lagering process, our Gun Closet Kölsch is now finished and ready to be enjoyed. The beer pours a very nice yellow-gold color which is just cloudy enough not to see through the glass. This bottle was pretty carbonated and had a very nice head on the pour.
This beer smells a little sweet and very clean with a little acidity from the hops.
The Kölsch tastes great. It has a light feeling like a lager when you drink it, making it easy to drink and good for a hot day. It still maintains a lot the ale characteristics as well, which gives the beer quite a bit of flavor, especially some fruitier notes.
Its a good brew to have as it’s tasty and easy to have with a meal. I would like to make this type of beer or another recipe for a Kölsch again.
Tags: beer, Gun Closet Kolsch, home-brew, homemade, kolsch, review