Cherry Wine


Posted by Brian

Saturday, March 21st, 2009

Last Update: July 29, 2010

I was given a box of cherry fruit packs. What else to do, but make wine? After emptying them into my five gallon carboy (the bucket had the Hefeweizen in it), I had about three gallons of cherries and syrup. So I topped it off to five gallons with water and added five pounds of sugar for a little extra strength. This time we used dry yeast for white wine. In primary on 2/28/09.

Racked to secondary bucket on 3/8/09, since it started in the carboy and I was making it simultaneously with the Hefeweizen. I need to get another bucket or so to make it easier to brew more at once.

Bottled on 3/21/09. Still smells sweet.

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One Comment on "Cherry Wine"

  1. avatar Nate says:

    We filtered this wine two times on 3-8-09. We first had to siphon the wine into a pot for holding, and we filtered the wine through a grain bag which got rid of most of the larger chunks of cherry. We then had to siphon from the holding pot into the bucket (which had had the Hefeweizen in it), and at this step we filtered the wine through a muslin bag. This got almost all of the sediment out of the wine, leaving it a clean red color.

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